Episode 362

Serving | Love Your Church


February 4th, 2024

38 mins 18 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

When Paul was saying goodbye to the Ephesian Elders, he told them in Acts 20:28, Be shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood. Jesus loves His church. So much so that He was willing to die for the church. And yet, in our modern world, we often take the church for granted. Busyness, consumerism, the prioritization of individual pursuits, and self-satisfaction keep us from experiencing both the privilege and responsibility that comes with belonging to a local church. So, for seven weeks, we’re going to look beyond ourselves to the biblical reasons why we should love the church and be committed to making a difference in the world through our faithful participation and service.

Pastor Andrew Philbeck | Love Your Church | Romans 12:1-9


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